結論を急ぐ 1. form a hasty conclusion 2. jump [leap, rush] to [into] conclusions [a conclusion, one's own conclusion] / rush for a conclusion 3. make a speedy decision 4. run conclusions
結論を出す 1 1. come to a conclusion 2. draw a conclusion 3. form a conclusion 4. issue a decision 結論を出す 2 【自動】 conclude 結論を出す 3 draw a conclusion from〔~から〕 結論を出す 4 draw certain conclusions from〔~からある〕
And we have arrived at the conclusion そして 結論を得ることができました
And we have arrived at the conclusion そして 結論を得ることができました
Around 1939 (at the age of 59 ), he discussed the world politics with jiro shirasu and others , and concluded that the war between germany and england and france would end in the victory of england and france . 1939年(昭和14年、59歳)頃には白洲次郎らと世界情勢を語り合い、ドイツと英仏間の戦争は、英仏の勝利との結論を得る。
The ultimate legality of this accumulation requires further analysis , but in the opinion of this office , it was madame d's intention that control of the vast bulk of her estate should be transferred , forthwith , to her son , dmitri 全体の最終的な法的結論を得るには 少々時間がかかりますが 専門家として理解するに マダムDの欲するところ 遺産の大部分は そのまま彼女の息子たる