- 1. body aches
2. pain in the body
- 体の 体の corporeal[医生]
- 痛み 痛み いたみ pain ache sore grief distress
- み み 巳 sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast,
- 体の痛みが強まる develop body aches
- 体のあちこちの痛み pains and aches
- 体の痛みの原因を取り除く remove the cause of one's physical pain
- のどの痛み 1. sore on one's throat 2. sore throat
- ひざの痛み 1. ache in the [one's] knee 2. painful affection of the knee
- 一瞬の痛み pain of momentary duration
- 傷の痛み pain of one's wound
- 全身の痛み 1. generalized pain 2. pain for the entire body 3. pain involving the entire body
- 口の痛み sore mouth
- 喉の痛み 喉の痛み のどのいたみ sore throat
- 四肢の痛み 1. pain in the extremities 2. pain in the limbs
- Physical pain serves a function . it teaches us . wouldn't you agree , doctor ?
肉体の痛みって 機能してる証でしょ?