登録 ログイン




  • What do you think you are doing?〔【用法】相手の無礼な[不可解な]行動について。〕
  • 何の     何の どの which what
  • まね     まね 真似 mimicry imitation behavior pretense
  • ねだ     ねだ 根太 joist
  • どう     どう 如何 how in what way how about 同 the same the said ibid. 僮 child servant
  • うい     うい 有為 (Buddhism) perpetual change caused by karma vicissitudes of life that
  • いう     いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
  • うつ     うつ 打つ to hit to strike 伐つ to strike to attack to punish 撃つ to attack to defeat
  • もり     もり 守 nursemaid baby-sitting 森 forest 盛り helping serving 漏り leak leakage (of
  • 一体     一体 いったい one object one body what on earth? really? generally
  • てる     てる 照る to shine
  •      question mark
  • どうい     どうい 同意 agreement consent same meaning same opinion approval 同位 the same rank
  • つもり     つもり 積もり intention plan
  • どういう     どういう 如何いう what kind of
  • 何やってるの?     What are they doing?
  • どういうつもり?     What were you thinking about?
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