作り笑いをする 1 1. affect a smile 2. force a smile 3. give a plastic smile 4. have a practiced smile 5. have a smirk on someone's face 6. put on a fake smile 7. put on a forced smile 8. smile a forced smile 9. try
Thanks to you ... the angel of death will not find me in bed like a simpering old man ... but on the battlefield , like a king . お前のおかげで... 死の天使は 作り笑いをする老人のような 私を見つけないだろう
Thanks to you ... the angel of death will not find me in bed like a simpering old man ... but on the battlefield , like a king . お前のおかげで... 死の天使は 作り笑いをする老人のような 私を見つけないだろう