President mandela said that he wished to set an example "マンデラ大統領は" "前例となる事を望んでいます"
And i thought about trying to give an example of this . so そして私は何かその例となることができないかと考えました
And i thought about trying to give an example of this . so , just one example: そして私は何かその例となることができないかと考えました
In 1870 and 1872 判例となる裁判がありました
He was the last retired emperor among east asian taijoko or daijo tenno (both meaning retired emperor ). 太上皇、太上天皇といった東アジアの上皇としては最後の例となる。
Anyway , if " the establishment of takakusa county ," which was stated in " koshi ," was true , it would be the oldest example of establishing a county . いずれにせよ、もし『古志』に記す高草郡設置が事実であれば、建郡の最古例となる。
The shrine later became deeply revered by the minamoto clan following the success of yoriyoshi minamoto and his son yoshiie minamoto during the zenkunen war , and it became customary for kamakura imperial princes and successive shogun families to visit . その後前九年の役で源頼義、源義家親子が大功をたてたことから源氏に厚く崇敬され、鎌倉親王家ならびに将軍家代々の社参が恒例となる。
Initially , the post was held by one official , and later one kenkan (powerful official ) was added , and their rank was equivalent to jushichiinojo (junior seventh rank , upper grade ); however , in later times it became customary to give the post a goi (fifth rank ) or higher ranking . 定員1名(後に権官1名追加)・従七位上相当(ただし、後世では五位以上が慣例となる)。
Exemplifying the third point , tsunayoshi ordered shinkuro kanze , who was the head of the family in charge of the small hand drum of the kanze school , to play the drum in ' dojo-ji temple ,' performed by the leading actors of the hosho school , but shinkuro refused because he belonged to a different school . 3の例となるのは、宝生大夫による「道成寺」の小鼓を打つことを命じられた観世流小鼓方当主・観世新九郎が、流派が違うことを理由にこれを拒否した。
With regard to the wives of nobility and samurai warriors , jugo was first given to minamoto no rinshi who was a legal wife of fujiwara no michinaga , and taira no tokiko , who was a legal wife of chancellor of the state , taira no kiyomori , while with regard to monks , it was the first example when jugo was given to the ninna-ji hojo , who was a son of the kanpaku (advisor to the emperor ) michiie kujo and was called kaidenjugo in the kamakura period . 貴族・武士の妻に対しては准后は藤原道長の正室・源倫子や、太政大臣平清盛の室平時子が初例であり、僧に対しては、鎌倉時代に関白九条道家の子である仁和寺法助に与えられて開田准后と称されたのが初例となる。