いとする いとする [意図する] v. 〔目ざす, ねらう, つもり〕 *intend |他| 【D】 《正式》[SV(O1)O2](O1(人)に)O2(事)を意図する;[SV to do/《時に》doing/that節]…するつもりである, …しようと思う∥ That's not what I intended (it to be). それは私が意図していたものではない. **thin
One theory says that rokujo no miya was the earliest miyake , but in present academic societies , most deny this theory . 宮家の最も早い例とする説もあるが、現在の学会では否定する意見の方が強い。
Thereafter , the temperature of heating process was 60 degrees celsius at the time of the discovery of hiochi bacteria , and it is usually from 62 to 68 degrees celsius today . その後、火入れの温度は火落ち菌の発見当時で約60℃、現在でも62℃から68℃を以って通例とする。
Features of zao gongen statues are similar to those of myo (warlike and wrathful deities ) statues of esoteric buddhism , and they usually show funnu-so (an angry expression , boiling with anger ), lifting the right hand and right leg high up and putting the left hand on the hip . 蔵王権現の像容は密教の明王像と類似しており、激しい忿怒相で、怒髪天を衝き、右手と右脚を高く上げ、左手は腰に当てるのを通例とする。
For example , in ' an article about torture ' mamichi tsuda described that although torture against a suspect was allowed even in the meiji period , it was not usually allowed in civilized countries and that it was a bad custom which would cause false charges and distrusts in the administration of justice . たとえば津田真道の「拷問論」を例とすると、明治になっても容疑者の取り調べには拷問が認められているが、こうしたことは文明国では認められていないもので、冤罪・司法への不信を生じさせる悪風だと論じている。
This memorandum included the rules that the emperor should make a precedent of the retired emperor goyozei who did not rule as the cloistered emperor (denial of a cloister government ) and that the council system operated by the heads of gosekke (five top fujiwara families whose members were eligible for the positions of sessho and kanpaku ) should be virtually the supreme decision-making body of the imperial court ( " tobujitsuroku " ). この中には院政を行わなかった後陽成上皇を先例とする(院政の否定)事、五摂家当主による合議制を事実上の朝廷の最高意思決定機関とする事などを取り決めた(『東武実録』)。
The old theories about the setup of ' ise yamada bugyo ' by the edo bakufu , such as it having been established at the request of the members of yoda sanpo , or that a goshuinjo (letter of command with a stamp to show its authenticity ) from hideyoshi toyotomi to jobu ecchunokami (governor of upper-ecchu province ), was the precedent for yamada bugyo in the edo bakufu , are still compatible with the idea of tadasuke ooka as yamada bugyo . 徳川幕府の「伊勢山田奉行」の設置について「山田三方会合衆の要請に依った」とか昭和四年刊行の宇治山田市史の「豊臣秀吉の上部越中守への御朱印状を以て江戸幕府・山田奉行の前例とする」説は、現在に於いても大岡忠相の山田奉行手柄話と共にまことしやかに語られている。