する する 為る to do to try to play to practice to cost to serve as to pass to elapse 掏る to pick someone's pocket 摩る 擦る to rub to chafe to file to frost (glass) to strike (match) 刷る to print 剃る to shave
…にする 1. build ~ into 2. make ~ into〔~を〕 ~にする 1 【接尾】 -ize ~にする 2 【他動】 make
かする かする 化する to change into to convert into to transform to be reduced to influence to improve (someone) 科する to inflict to impose (a fine, etc.) 擦る to touch lightly to take a percentage (from) 掠る to graz
Then the monks who serve monzeki came to be called bokan . 門跡に近侍する僧侶を坊官と呼ぶようになった。
In 1863 , he was called upon by the imperial court to serve emperor komei . 文久3年(1863年)、御所に召され孝明天皇に近侍する。
It is said that children who served at the imperial palace were called naiju in ancient times . 古くは内裏に近侍する役目を担った童子を指したとも言われる。
After the death of narifusa , tango no tsubone became the valet for cloistered emperor goshirakawa , who was confined within toba-den . 業房の死後、丹後局は鳥羽殿に幽閉された後白河法皇に近侍する。
He succeeded as a trusted vassal of imperial palace which served closely to the cloistered emperor shirakawa just like his father , akisue . 父顕季同様、白河法皇に近侍する院の近臣として立身する。
Naijusho controlled over the naiju officials who attended the emperor and the female attendants , while guarded the imperial palace . 天皇に近侍する内豎及び後宮十二司を統括するとともに、内裏の警護にあたった。
He served as a valet to emperor goshirakawa and those around him said that as a favorite retainer he received ' a shameful degree of favoritism .' 後白河天皇に近侍するや、周囲から「あさましき程の寵愛あり」といわれるまでの寵臣となる。
He assumed the position of the master of inryoken household in rokuonin of shokoku-ji temple , which was a liaison with shogun , being a close retainer serving the shogun . 将軍との連絡役である相国寺鹿苑院内蔭涼軒主となり、将軍に近侍する側近となる。
He seemed to have been a member of doboshu (the shogun ' s attendants in charge of entertainment ), which attended seii taishogun (literally , " great general who subdues the barbarians " ). 征夷大将軍に近侍する同朋衆であったと見られている。
Although it was common that talented doctors in the samurai class were appointed the post of doctor for the lord , there were some rare cases of lower-ranking or folk doctors appointed to serve the feudal lord . 藩主に近侍する侍医は士席医師のうち医業優秀な者が選ばれるのが例であったが、稀に軽輩医師や城下の町村医師が抜擢される場合もあった。