The ball is sewn in such a way that five sections can be easily seen . 縫ふ様は、針目も、又革も、五見え侍る様に、縫ふべし。
Then gradually , it came to mean a lady serving at the imperial court who served at the emperor ' s bedroom . しかし、次第に天皇の寝所に侍る宮女を意味するようになった。
Although there are various buddhist teachings developed by various learned priests , they are all temporary teachings against allurement . 諸々の智者達の樣々に立てをかるる法要どもの侍るも、皆誘惑に對したる假初の要文なり。
As a result , a new class of women who served such second house on condition that they had a sexual act with their master came into existence . その結果、そこに侍る女性としての性行為を前提とする新たな女性層が生まれる。
There is a description in " mumyozoshi " that means ' many that are told , as written by sadaie shosho , cannot be true .' 『無名草子』には「又定家少将の作りたるとてあまた侍るめるはましてただけしきばかりにてむげにまことなきものに侍るなる」という記述がある。
There is a description in " mumyozoshi " that means ' many that are told , as written by sadaie shosho , cannot be true .' 『無名草子』には「又定家少将の作りたるとてあまた侍るめるはましてただけしきばかりにてむげにまことなきものに侍るなる」という記述がある。
In " makura no soshi " (the pillow book ), seishonagon wrote , ' it is a very vindictive mononoke ,' and murasakishikibu also left a statement , ' the mononoke became too terrible .' - 清少納言は『枕草子』のなかで「いと執念き御もののけに侍るめり」と記し、紫式部も「御もののけのいみじうこはきなりけり」という記述を残している。
The chroniclers serving the emperor at court would store up those of the ' collected sayings ' of the emperor that touched on matters of critical importance to the emperor or the state , and then for each generation , after the emperor passed away , they would compile and edit a ' veritable record ' , which contained his collected sayings . 朝廷内で皇帝に侍る史官が、皇帝および国家の重大事を記録する「起居注」を蓄積し、皇帝が崩御すると、代ごとに起居注をまとめた「実録」が編纂される。