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"侍る"の例文"侍る" 意味"侍る" 中国語の意味


  • 侍る
    to wait upon
    to serve
  • 侍って    in waiting〔宮廷で〕
  • 侍する    侍する じする to wait upon to serve
  • 侍僧    侍僧 じそう acolyte
  • 侍 1    man who belongs to a high-ranking social class of warriors 侍 2 samurai〔日本の〕
  • 侍八騎    侍八騎 さむらいはっき eight mounted warriors eight samurai on horseback
  •     侍 さむらい Samurai warrior
  • 侍医    侍医 じい court physician
  • 例題    例題 れいだい example exercise (for the reader)
  • 侍医長    Chief Court Physician


  • The ball is sewn in such a way that five sections can be easily seen .
  • Then gradually , it came to mean a lady serving at the imperial court who served at the emperor ' s bedroom .
  • Although there are various buddhist teachings developed by various learned priests , they are all temporary teachings against allurement .
  • As a result , a new class of women who served such second house on condition that they had a sexual act with their master came into existence .
  • There is a description in " mumyozoshi " that means ' many that are told , as written by sadaie shosho , cannot be true .'
  • There is a description in " mumyozoshi " that means ' many that are told , as written by sadaie shosho , cannot be true .'
  • In " makura no soshi " (the pillow book ), seishonagon wrote , ' it is a very vindictive mononoke ,' and murasakishikibu also left a statement , ' the mononoke became too terrible .'
    - 清少納言は『枕草子』のなかで「いと執念き御もののけに侍るめり」と記し、紫式部も「御もののけのいみじうこはきなりけり」という記述を残している。
  • The chroniclers serving the emperor at court would store up those of the ' collected sayings ' of the emperor that touched on matters of critical importance to the emperor or the state , and then for each generation , after the emperor passed away , they would compile and edit a ' veritable record ' , which contained his collected sayings .
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