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  • double skein
  • かせ     かせ 枷 shackles fetters irons handcuffs bonds 綛 reel
  •      せ 瀬 current torrent rapids shallows shoal 畝 area measure ca. 100 sqm thirty
  • _倍から_倍に及ぶ    range from __-fold to __-fold
  • かせ    かせ 枷 shackles fetters irons handcuffs bonds 綛 reel
  • ~のリスクを_倍から_倍に増大させる    increase the risk of ~ by __-fold to __-fold
  • ―なかせ     ―なかせ [―泣かせ] *grief [a ~]《正式》嘆き[心痛]の種∥ Her extravagance is a (source of) grief to her parents. 彼女の浪費癖は親泣かせだ.
  • かせい    かせい 加勢 assistance backing reinforcements 化成 change transformation 仮性 false (symptoms) 歌聖 great poet 苛性 caustic 仮声 falsetto 火勢 force of flames 火星 Mars (planet) 課制 section system (companies) 家声 honour
  • かせき    かせき 化石 fossil petrifaction fossilization
  • かせぎ    かせぎ 稼ぎ earnings
  • かせぐ    かせぐ 稼ぐ to earn income to labor
  • かせつ    かせつ 佳節 嘉節 auspicious occasion 仮説 仮設 hypothesis supposition temporary provisional fictional 架設 construction building
  • かせる    かせる 乾せる to dry up to scab to slough to be poisoned (with lacquer)
  • かせん    かせん 河川 rivers 寡占 oligopoly 河船 river boat 化繊 synthetic fibres 火箭 火矢 fire arrow 歌仙 great poet 下線 underline underscore 火線 firing line 渦線 spiral line 架線 aerial wiring
  • かせ揚    かせ揚 reeling[機械]
  • かせ枠    reel
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