- range from __-fold to __-fold
- から から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
- 及ぶ 及ぶ およぶ to reach to come up to to amount to to befall to happen to to extend to
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- _歳から_歳に及ぶ range __ to __ years of age
- ~のリスクを_倍から_倍に増大させる increase the risk of ~ by __-fold to __-fold
- _ドルに及ぶ市場におけるシェアを3倍に伸ばす triple one's share of $__ market
- _カ月に及ぶ治療 __ months of treatment
- _人に及ぶ乗組員 crew numbering __ men
- _年に及ぶ事件 __-year affair
- _年に及ぶ在任中 during __ years in office
- _時間に及ぶ尋問 __ hours of questioning
- _年から_年に及ぶ禁固の判決を言い渡す hand down sentences ranging from __ to __ years in jail
- aとbの間で_キロに及ぶ stretch for __ kilometers between〔車の渋滞などが〕
- およそ_ページに及ぶ run to some __ pages〔本などが〕
- 連続_時間に及ぶ交渉 in a __-hour nonstop negotiating session