It'll be worth twice as much to us on the black market . 闇市場で倍の価値がある
It'll be worth twice as much to us on the black market 闇市場で倍の価値がある
Now you gonna get your money's worth on these first two . 最初の二つに比べたら 倍の価値がある
Now you gonna get your money's worth on these first two . 最初の二つに比べたら 倍の価値がある
Knights are worth double . 騎士は二倍の価値がある
My repulsion is tempered by the fact that this house is worth four times what we paid for it , so let's not think about it . この家には支払った額の 4倍の価値があるんだ それは考えない これはあなたの専門分野よ ドクター