Orie nomi , who was rusuiyaku (the representative in kyoto of the lord ), wrote in his memoir as follows: ' kogoro katsura escaped from ikedaya through the roof and returned to the tsushima residence .' 京都留守居役であった乃美織江は手記に「桂小五郎議は池田屋より屋根を伝い逃れ、対馬屋敷へ帰り候由…」と書き残している。
Upon his departure to bungo , a horse-rider sannojo ishii and swordsmen armed with guns were ordered to protect musashi on the way , however , nothing serious happened , and musashi was sent to his father muni in bungo . 石井三之丞と申馬乗に 鉄砲之共ども御附被成 道を致警護無別条豊後へ送届武蔵親無二と申者に相渡申候由に御座候
" secondly , because he is trusted by mr . taiko (retired imperial regent , indicating hideyoshi here ), so both in the castle and on a journey he was more respected by people than naifu (minister of the interior , indicating ieyasu here ), and even we feel encouraged ." 「さてまた太閤様(秀吉)御前よき故にても候由、お城にても道中にても、内府(家康)より人々あがまへ、我らまでも心いさみ申す。」