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  • He is brimming with health and energy.
  • 健康     健康 けんこう health sound wholesome
  • 精気     精気 せいき (mind and) spirit life energy vitality essence
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • はち     はち 蜂 bee 鉢 a bowl a pot a basin a flowerpot a crown a brainpan 八 八つ eight
  • ちき     ちき 稚気 childishness naivete 知己 acquaintance appreciative friend
  • きれ     きれ 切れ cloth piece cut chop strip slice scrap counter for such
  • れん     れん 連 party company group
  • ばか     ばか 馬鹿 莫迦 破家 fool idiot trivial matter folly
  • かり     かり 加里 potassium potash 刈 cut clip shear reap trim prune 下吏 lower official 雁 雁金
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • ばかり     ばかり 許り approximately just only merely nothing but
  • はちきれんばかりの健康    abundant health
  • 健康ではちきれんばかりである    be bursting with health
  • はちきれそうに元気で    sound in wind and limb
  • はちきれるほど健康で    in exuberant health
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