- 1. for health reasons
2. for reasons of health
3. on health grounds
- 健康 健康 けんこう health sound wholesome
- 上の 上の superior[医生]
- 理由 理由 りゆう reason pretext motive
- で で 出 outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- 健康上 in health
- 健康上の理由で引退する retire on medical grounds
- 健康上の理由で退位する abdicate a throne for health reasons
- 健康上の理由で退学する drop out of one's school for health reasons
- 健康上の理由で退職する 1. retire for health reasons 2. retire from business because of poor health
- 健康上の理由で~に帰る return to ~ for reasons concerned with one's health
- 健康上の理由で仮釈放中で in prison release for medical reasons
- 健康上の理由で学校を辞める drop out of one's school for health reasons
- 健康上の理由で王位を捨てる abdicate a throne for health reasons
- 健康上の理由で王位を譲る abdicate a throne for health reasons
- 健康上の理由で裁判に出ない not stand trial for health reasons
- Secretary of state kanin's untimely decision to withdraw for health reasons ...
ケーニン国務長官が 健康上の理由で辞任しました - Secretary of state kanin's untimely decision to withdraw for health reasons ...
ケーニン国務長官が 健康上の理由で辞任しました - The mother of the defendant ,is unable to testify because of medical reasons .
被告人の母親ですが 健康上の理由で証言できないと - The mother of the defendant ,is unable to testify because of medical reasons .
被告人の母親ですが 健康上の理由で証言できないと - Only for health reasons .