- There is nothing more valuable than good health.
- 健康 健康 けんこう health sound wholesome
- 第一 第一 だいいち first foremost # 1
- 一番 一番 ひとつがい a pair a couple a brace いちばん best first number one a game a round a
- 大事 大事 だいじ おおごと important valuable serious matter
- 健康第一。 The most important thing is staying healthy.
- 健康第一。 The most important thing is staying healthy.
- 健康が第一だ Health is above everything else.
- それが一番大事だ。 That's what matters most.
- 理論が一番大事 theory before theory
- やはり理論が一番大事 theory before theory
- 人は皆自分が一番大事。 Every man is nearest himself.
- 健康が衰える 1. have a breakdown in health 2. one's health declines 3. one's health fails
- 一番大事な物 big one〈米俗〉
- 人の世話も大事だが、自分のことが一番大事だ。 Mind other men, but most yourself.
- 健康が優れない 1 1. be not well 2. in bad health 3. in poor health 健康が優れない 2 poorly《英略》 {形} 健康が優れない 3 in bad [poor] condition〔人が〕