My dad's in the health food store . he could drive past . パパが健康食品の店にいるの
Although it's thought that healthy food leads to good health 健康食品のおかげであるとも 思われたが
As a result , the only company that applied was wakasa seikatsu co ., ltd . whose head office is located in kyoto city and which is producing and selling health foods , it offered the same conditions , that the amount of yearly contract is 25 million and the term is five years and proposed the name ' wakasa stadium kyoto .' その結果、応募したのは京都市に本社を置き健康食品の製造・販売を手がけるわかさ生活1社のみで、市側の条件と同じ年間2500万円の5年契約を提示し、名称「わかさスタジアム京都」を提案した。
However , a health food egoma which was popular in 2004 became a major talking point because it would melt this styrofoam cup , and ncac (national consumer affairs center of japan ) examined and alerted consumers because a certain amount of it melted when putting this beefsteak plant oil into a cup and pouring hot water of 100 degrees . しかし、2004年には当時流行した健康食品のエゴマが、このスチロール製カップを溶かすとして話題となり、国民生活センターが調査を行った所、このしそ油をカップに入れ、100度の熱湯を注いだ際に一定の溶解が見られたため、消費者に注意を呼びかけている。