視野を広げて自らの将来像を描く chart one's future course with a broad perspective
The moorish artists were denied the possibility ムーア人の芸術家たちは 偶像を描くことを
And having me be the brush in their selfportrait . 私を絵筆として用いて 自画像を描くのです
If you want to add to this picture and try and sketch it globally 地球の全体像を描くために手を加えたいなら
I can see why i portrait you 私が何故貴方の肖像を描くか 分かる
These were followed by a portrait of the poet on the left of the sheet . それに続いて紙面の左方に歌仙の肖像を描く。
From around 1918 , he came to paint portraits of his daughter , reiko kishida (1914 - 1962 ). 大正7年(1918年)頃から娘の岸田麗子(1914年~1962年)の肖像を描くようになる。
There is a historical record showing that the pictures of hotei were starting to be painted soon after his death , in the chiang-nan region of china . その没後あまり時を経ないうちから、布袋の図像を描く習慣が江南で行われていたという記録がある。