The only redemption any of us has is to survive . 唯一の償還は生き残ること
It truly was a shawshank redemption . それで、ショーシャンクが 償還された
It truly was a shawshank redemption . それで、ショーシャンクが 償還された
Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship . 唯一 君の暖かさと 不変な友情で償還される
Very few have ever been redeemed . ほとんどが償還されなかった
Uh , probably , you know , thethe part where the shawshank is redeemed . 好きな場面は... ショーシャンクが償還される所かな
At that time , a toll was being charged to pay off its construction cost . このときは建設費の償還のため通行料をとっていた。
But i can try to forgive her ... and i can carry on on my own personal road to true redemption ... so that one day when i enter the gates of heaven ... 彼女を許そうする事が出来るし 俺個人の真の償還への道を 続けていける
Since then , its business performance has been relatively satisfactory and the construction cost also seems to have been steadily reimbursed as scheduled . その後も比較的順調に推移しており、建設費の償還は予定通り進んでいるようである。
Moreover , some have expressed disagreement with this idea because it could drive osaka monorail co ., ltd ., into a corner , which still needs to have its huge construction cost reimbursed . しかも莫大な建設費の償還が必要な大阪モノレールを窮地に追い込むことからこの構想に異を唱える意見もある。