- amount written off
- 償却 償却 しょうきゃく repayment redemption amortization
- 額 額 ひたい forehead brow がく picture (framed) amount or sum (of money)
- 減価償却額 depreciation amount
- バックログ減価償却額 backlog depreciation
- 連結調整勘定償却額 1. amortization of consolidation account adjustment 2. amortization of consolidation goodwill 3. write-down of consolidation adjustment account
- 過去勤務債務の償却額 amortization of prior service cost
- 償却 償却 しょうきゃく repayment redemption amortization
- 償却 1 extinguishment 償却 2 charge-off〔不良債権などの〕
- 償却の 【形】 redemptive
- 償却前 1. before depreciation 2. predepreciation
- 償却率 1. depreciation factor 2. depreciation ratio
- 償却費 1. service cost 2. write-off cost
- 一括償却 one-time depreciation
- 任意償却 voluntary depreciation
- 任意償却法 1. voluntary depreciation method 2. voluntary method of computing depreciation