And he's a wonderful musician , so it's cool . 彼はこんなにも優れた音楽家で すごくイカしています
During the edo period , there were many kengyo who became excellent musicians in the three capital cities as professionals of jiuta sangen , sokyoku , kokyu (chinese fiddle ) music and heikyoku , which lead to them having an important role as a driving power in the development of japanese music in the modern ages . 江戸時代には地歌三弦、箏曲、胡弓楽、平曲のプロフェッショナルとして、三都を中心に優れた音楽家となる検校が多く、近世邦楽大発展の大きな原動力となった。
While the mass culture was blooming as stated above , a number of musicians - conductors , composers , pianists and singers such as arturo toscanini , sergei rachmaninov , alfred cortot , enrico caruso and tino rossi - took a lively part in the classical music field and increasingly gained popularity in japan as well . このような大衆文化が開花に時期にはクラシック音楽ではアルトゥーロ・トスカニーニ、セルゲイ・ラフマニノフ、アルフレッド・コルトー、エンリコ・カルーソー、ティノ・ロッシなどの優れた音楽家、ピアニスト、歌手が活躍し、日本でも人気を博していった。