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  • on top of〔~より〕


  • That's what makes my stores so goddamn superior .
    これでおれの店はとんでもなく 優位に立っているのさ。
  • That's what makes my stores so goddamn superior .
    これでおれの店はとんでもなく 優位に立っているのさ。
  • Would have the advantage in any robotic war
  • Draws on its longstanding advantage
    長い間 優位に立っていたことが
  • Draws on its longstanding advantage
    長い間 優位に立っていたことが
  • Of certain archetypal stories
  • But there is also a view that takamimusubi is the primary god from whom the imperial family is believed to be descended based on a legend existing in the tensonkorin related mythology that he was in full control of tensonkorin , gaining ascendancy over amaterasu omikami
  • The transportation time of kyodo unyu was shorter since they were using new british ships , however , mitsubishi increased the speed of their ships without thinking about the cost of fuel , and thus the transportation time became competitive as well .
  • From places along the tokaido and sanyo shinkansen lines , the shinkansen has a clear advantage over airplanes since , compared to osaka city and kobe city , kyoto city is far away from airports in the kansai area (at least an hour away from the nearest , osaka international airport ) and every train (including the nozomi ) stops at kyoto station .
    東海道・山陽新幹線沿線からは、大阪市内や神戸市内と比べて関西地区の各空港との距離が離れている事(一番近い大阪国際空港でも1時間はかかる)や、京都駅にのぞみ (列車)をはじめ全ての列車が停車することから、新幹線が航空機に対して圧倒的に優位に立っている。
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