優位に立つ 1 1. chalk one up 2. enjoy an advantage 3. gain superiority 4. get an inside track 5. have the aces 6. hold priority 優位に立つ 2 【自動】 dominate 優位に立つ 3 【他動】 predominate 優位に立つ 4 1. cement one's lead
Actually might be a feature of language 社会的相互関係において優位に立つために言語を使用するという
If we attack from above , they will have the advantage . 上から攻撃すると、 アイツらが優位に立つ
With the joint development . あっという間に埋まるどころか すぐに技術的優位に立つでしょう
High ground , something like that . 優位に立つために
However the ultimate target of japan during the meiji period was not only to have an advantage on each diplomatic negotiation . しかし明治日本の最終目標は、個別の外交案件において他国よりも優位に立つことで事足りるものではなかった。
In this way , the ishiyama hongan-ji temple and murashige araki were isolated without getting any help from the mori army , and this time the oda army had the advantage . これにより石山本願寺と荒木村重は毛利軍の援助を受けられず孤立し、このころから織田軍は優位に立つ。
In the following year , 1868 , the battle of toba-fushimi broke out and the new government defeated the army of the previous bakufu , gaining supremacy and increasing the number of clans following them . 翌慶応4年(1868年)初め鳥羽・伏見の戦いで新政府が旧幕府軍を破り、優位に立つと、新政府に従う諸藩も増えた。
Because of this , morosuke ' s family , the kujo line , was placed in a more advantageous position than the descendants of his elder brother , fujiwara no saneyori (ononomiya line ), which should have been the main line of the family . これにより、師輔の家系の九条流は本来嫡流であるはずの兄の藤原実頼の家系(小野宮流)よりも優位に立つことになる。
Conversely , nobunaga did not necessarily have to fight with katsuyori at this point in history , or rather he would have been better off had he not confronted the takeda clan directly , so that he would have gained strategic advantage over time . 逆に信長の立場から見た場合、武田と直接戦わずとも時間が経つほど戦略的に優位に立つことになり、この時点で戦う必要は必ずしも無かった。
By 1338 the southern court faction had seen its military leaders , including nagatoshi nawa , chikamitsu yuki , and tadaaki chigusa , and in addition akiie kitabatake and yoshisada nitta , die in battle one after the other , and were overwhelmingly outmatched militarily by the northern court faction . 南朝方は名和長年・結城親光・千種忠顕のほか、北畠顕家・新田義貞らが1338年(延元3年/暦応元年)までに次々と戦死し、軍事的に北朝方が圧倒的に優位に立つ。