Sitting deserves to be surrounded by beauty and grace 美と優美に囲まれるに 値する 座って
Deserves to be surrounded by beauty and grace . 美と優美に囲まれるに 値する
Elegant figure and sagacity in words ' 「容貌優美にして言語文明なり。」
Nature does something much more elegant . 自然はもっとずっと優美に行います
How can we live here gracefully over the long haul ? この長い流れの中で、どうやって優美に行きていけるのか?」と
They are exquisitely topographic モジュールは優美に配置されており
After a little while , a tennyo appears and dances tennyo no mai (the heavenly maiden ' s dance . やがて天女があらわれ、優美に天女の舞を舞う。
Unlike the square shaped seal script , the kanin in the sui and tang dynasties had distinctively decorated and elegantly winding script , which was rearranged from the curve of the small seal script . 隋・唐の官印の文字は、角ばった印篆から一転し、小篆の曲線を優美にうねるような曲線に変えた独特の装飾書体が用いられた。
The swords were generally similar to karatachi (chinese-style sword ), but their hilts and scabbards became slenderer and more elegant , and the blades were substituted by iron bars , making the swords ritual objects dedicated to ceremonies . 全体的に前時代の唐大刀に似るが、柄や鞘が細長く優美になり、内部には刀身ではなく細い鉄棒状のものが入っているだけで、純然たる儀仗用の外装である。