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  • be in just another dimension
  • 全く     全く まったく really truly entirely completely wholly perfectly indeed
  • 次元     次元 じげん dimension
  • 元に     元に もとに under the supervision of
  • にい     にい 二位 second place 二尉 first lieutenant (JSDF)
  • いる     いる 鋳る 鑄る to cast to mint to coin 要る to need 煎る 炒る 熬る to parch to fry to fire
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • 全く別の事    totally different thing
  • 全く別の人    different kettle of fish
  • 全く別の物    1. different kettle of fish 2. totally different thing
  • 全く別のこと    1. another cup 2. another pair of shoes 3. different kettle of fish 4. something completely different 5. something else again
  • 全く別のもの    a horse of a different color
  • 全く別の事態    1. a whole new ballgame 2. different kettle of fish
  • 全く別の事柄    horse of another color
  • 全く別の問題    1. a whole new ballgame 2. another pair of shoes 3. different kettle of fish
  • 現実の別の次元    other level of reality
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