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"内掛け"の例文"内掛け" 意味"内掛け" 中国語の意味


  • 内掛け
    throwing down by leg work
  • 掛け     掛け かけ credit
  •      け 毛 hair fur 家 house family 卦 divination sign
  • 大内掛け    Major Inner Hook《柔道》
  • 小内掛け    Minor Inner Hook《柔道》
  • 相手を内掛けで倒す    throw down one's opponent by putting one's leg between his legs and leaning on him
  • 内掛百分率    内掛百分率 inner percentage[化学]
  • 掛け    掛け かけ credit
  • 上掛け    topping
  • 仕掛け    仕掛け しかけ device trick mechanism gadget (small) scale half finished commencement set up challenge
  • 出掛け    出掛け でがけ おでかけ about to start out just about to leave or go out
  • 刀掛け    刀掛け かたなかけ sword rack
  • 前掛け    前掛け まえかけ apron
  • 呼掛け    呼掛け challenge[電情]
  • 壁掛け    壁掛け かべかけ ornament
  • 夏掛け    夏掛け なつがけ summer-use futon


  • Sukeroku hides behind agemaki ' s skirt under a campstool--this scene also parodies the kamigata version of sukeroku .
  • Watashikake: the attacker and his opponent grip each other ' s belts with both hands , and the attacker hooks his leg from the outside or inside , pushing his opponent ' s upper body with his hands , and forces him down .
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