Captain , i want a prelaunch briefing . キャプテン 出発前の 説明会をしたい
Captain , i want a prelaunch briefing . キャプテン 出発前の 説明会をしたい
When the time came for the hakken no gi (the pre-departure ceremony ), emperor suzaku was still working to avoid a taboo , so his maternal grandfather , the regent tadahira , performed his duties for him , and for the pilgrimage to ise , the choho-soshi (imperial envoy who was responsible for seeing each high priestess safely arrive at ise ) for kishi ' s journey was her uncle , the chunagon (vice-councilor of state ) fujiwara no morosuke , who traveled on the pilgrimage with her . この時の発遣の儀(出発前の儀式)は朱雀天皇が物忌中のため、外祖父の摂政忠平が執り行い、また群行には長奉送使(斎宮を伊勢まで送り届ける勅使)として伯父の中納言藤原師輔が同行した。