Why'd you kill those guys who lived here before us ? なんで前の住人を 殺したの?
The last tenant no , i just took over the flat 前の住人よ
No farce side: residents living in front of the ishiyama-dera temple gate 能狂言方 - 石山寺門前の住人
Not at all . she lived here before me その人は前の住人よ
A resident living in front of the ishiyama temple gate finds hoin and asks who he is , because he ' s a stranger there . 石山寺門前の住人が法印をみつけて、見慣れない方々だがどなたかと問う。
And his poor wife just sits there listening to him give us this story about the old owner being run out of town for selling corpses and then killing himself . 死体を売って自殺した 以前の住人の話を彼がしてるのをー 奥さんはおとなしく 座って聞いてたわ