力を争う の英語
pit one's strength against〔~と〕 争う 争う あらそう to dispute to argue to be at variance to compete う う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,~を争う jostle with someone for〔人と〕 一分を争う 一分を争う v. fight minutes (見出しへ戻る headword ? 一分) 一刻を争う 一刻を争う いっこくをあらそう to race against time 一秒を争う seconds count 優劣を争う 1. strive for mastery 2. struggle for mastery 優勝を争う 優勝を争う ゆうしょうをあらそう to contend for victory 先を争う 1 1. fall over one another [each other] 2. rival for priority 3. rival someone for priority 4. try to be first 先を争う 2 fall over one another [each other] to〔~しようと〕 先手を争う vie to gain the initiative in〔~の〕 功を争う 功を争う こうをあらそう to contend for distinction to claim credit 功名を争う 1. claim (the) credit 2. compete with each other 3. vie with each other 勝ちを争う contend for victory 勝敗を争う try conclusions (with)〔~と〕 席を争う fight over seats
The uragami and matsuda clans ensued in a battle for power in bizen province . こうして浦上氏と松田氏は備前国内で勢力を争う ようになった。