一刻を争う の英語
一刻を争う いっこくをあらそう to race against time 一刻 一刻 いっこく a minute a moment an instant stubborn hot-headed 争う 争う あらそう to dispute to argue to be at variance to compete う う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,一刻を争う状況で in time-sensitive situations 一刻の猶予もならない。/一刻を争う There's no time to lose. 一刻を争う事態であると説明する explain the urgency of the situation 一刻を争います。 There is no time to lose. ~を争う jostle with someone for〔人と〕 患者の容体は一刻を争います The patient requires immediate treatment. 一分を争う 一分を争う v. fight minutes (見出しへ戻る headword ? 一分) 一秒を争う seconds count 優劣を争う 1. strive for mastery 2. struggle for mastery 優勝を争う 優勝を争う ゆうしょうをあらそう to contend for victory 先を争う 1 1. fall over one another [each other] 2. rival for priority 3. rival someone for priority 4. try to be first 先を争う 2 fall over one another [each other] to〔~しようと〕 先手を争う vie to gain the initiative in〔~の〕
He should be around here somewhere . 助かります。 何しろ今 地球は一刻を争う 大事な時期で。 Both mother and sons were in a battle for life and death . 母子ともに 一刻を争う 状態だった。 Both mother and sons were in a battle for life and death . 母子ともに 一刻を争う 状態だった。 It's because we don't have a moment to spare , of course !一刻を争う からに 決まってるでしょ! But it was a race against time .一刻を争う 事態でしたので 報告が遅れたことはお詫びします Emergency medicine is a fastpaced business . 救急医療は一刻を争う 仕事です I don't want to fight meaningless battles ? ったく。 一刻を争う ってのに。 I don't want to fight meaningless battles ? ったく。 一刻を争う ってのに。 You knew , but you ignored me ? we're in a race against time ! 分かってんのにシカト?n一刻を争う ときに Every second is crucial in her condition !一刻を争う 状態です。