Just read the statement , omar . 読み上げるんだ オマール 和平協定を破棄すると
Although both parties were reconciled after the adjustment by the governor of osaka prefecture and the members of the diet , which was suggested by the nagoya chamber of commerce at the end of the same year , in october of the followng year , the competition started again after the kansai railway company breached the arrangement , given that the same railway had set the single fare for one yen and 10 sen , return fare for one yen and 20 sen and started giving out free lunch boxes . 同年末に名古屋商業会議所の建議により大阪府知事、国会議員等の調停がなされ和解が成立したものの、翌年10月になって関西鉄道側が一方的に協定を破棄する形で競争が再開され、同鉄道は片道運賃を1円10銭・往復運賃を1円20銭とし、弁当などもサービスする有様となった。