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  • thick wall


  • All you need to do is to surround it with thick walls .
  • The thick walls are great for insulation . it keeps the interior
    厚い壁には断熱効果があり 室内を夏季には涼しく
  • In the past , before air conditioning , we had thick walls .
    かつてエアコンがなかった時代 建物には厚い壁がありました
  • The wall in this case is your boss .
  • They were also built in the middle ages together with tradesmen ' s houses (merchant ' s houses ), and in modern times , with the arrival of firearms , lime plaster stud wall techniques were also used on castles for fire-proofing and bullet-proofing , and mud walls over 30 centimeters thick as dozo-zukuri style were extensively used on defensive structures such as guard towers and turrets keep from the late azuchi-momoyama period to around the edo period .
    中世にも町屋 (商家)などと共に建てられており、近世、鉄砲の伝来の影響により城郭にも防火・防弾のために漆喰大壁の技術が用いられ、30cm以上の分厚い壁を多用したことで安土桃山時代後期から江戸期前後の櫓や天守などの防御施設は土蔵造りとなった。
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