- constant in friendship
- 友情 友情 ゆうじょう friendship fellowship
- 忠実 忠実 ちゅうじつ faithful loyal まめ healthy hardworking honest faithful devoted
- な な 儺 exorcism 菜 greens vegetables 名 name reputation
- 常に忠実な semper fidelis
- 恋に忠実な loyal in one's love
- 真に忠実な 【形】 true-blue
- 主義に忠実な sound on the goose
- 事実に忠実な 【形】 literal
- 信念に忠実な true to one's convictions
- 出典に忠実な true to the source
- 原作に忠実な 1. faithful to the original 2. true to the original
- 原文に忠実な 1. faithful to the original 2. true to the original
- 原色に忠実な faithful to the original colors
- 妻に忠実な夫 1. dutiful husband 2. faithful husband 3. husband (who is) loyal to his wife
- 誠に忠実な友 really true friend