Reason can lay out a road map to peace and harmony 人が平和と調和を求めるなら
Who were now urgently pressing 平和を求める
I appeal to my fellow democrats , to all republican representatives who give a fig for peace , postpone this vote ! 平和を求めるふりをする 共和党員諸君
After the teibi yakujo was concluded , the so clan continued negotiations for requesting a reduction in restrictions relating to trading and diplomacy visits , and in 1557 the teishi yakujo was concluded . 丁未約条締結後、宗氏は通交抑制の緩和を求める交渉を繰り返し、1557年に丁巳約条が締結されることとなる。
In " ieyasu tokugawa ," a novel by sohachi yamaoka , ieyasu was depicted as a person who restrained himself again and again from an early age , endured adversity and difficulties , and won victories with foresight , or as a realist seeking peace . 山岡荘八の小説『徳川家康』では、幼い頃から我慢に我慢を重ねて、逆境や困難にも決して屈することもなく先見の明をもって勝利を勝ち取った人物、平和を求める理想主義者として描かれている。