The founder of the kowa-mizuno family was mitsuyasu , the son of morimitsu toda , the lord of kowa-jo castle (nishidani , kowa , mihama-cho , aichi prefecture ) and nobumoto mizuno ' s daughter , myo (soshin-ni ' s sister ). 河和城(愛知県美浜町 (愛知県)河和字西谷)主戸田守光と水野信元の娘、妙(総心尼とは姉妹となる)との子光康を祖とする。
Books of poetry produced include " korai futeisho " (poetic styles from the past ) a tome presented to imperial princess noriko (one of retired emperor goshirakawa ' s ladies ) as well as " shunzei kyo waji sojo " (japanese poetry of shunzei ) and " kokin mondo " (ancient and modern questions and answers ). 歌学書には、『古来風躰抄』(後白河院の皇女である式子内親王に奉ったもの)のほか、『俊成卿和字奏状』『古今問答』。
Keichu was a prolific writer , whose works included " manyo daishoki " (commentary on manyoshu [collection of ten thousand leaves ]) , which was entrusted to keichu by mitsukuni tokugawa , " kogan-sho " (commentary on verses in kojiki [a record of ancient matters ] and nihonshoki [chronicles of japan ]) , " kokin yozai-sho " (commentary on kokin wakashu [collection of ancient and modern poems ]) , " seigo okudan " (conjectures on ise monogatari [the tales of ise ]) , " genchu shui " (addenda to commentary on the tale of genji ), " hyakunin isshu kaikan-sho " (rectified commentary on one hundred poems by one hundred poets ), and " waji shoran-sho " (corrections to errors in japanese characters ). 著書は、徳川光圀から委嘱を受けた『万葉代匠記』をはじめ、『厚顔抄』、『古今余材抄』、『勢語臆断』、『源註拾遺』、『百人一首改観抄』、『和字正濫抄』など数多い。