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"和布"の例文"和布" 意味


  • 和布
    seaweed variety


  • This part , called the mekabu , and where the germ cells are gathered .
  • Aragami-mono (literally " tale of a wild god " ) (such as " ejima ," " mekari ," " kamo " )
    荒神物(江島 (能)、和布刈(めかり)、賀茂 (能)など)
  • Mekabu seaweed is the thick , folded part of the phyllodes of wakame seaweed (undaria pinnatifida ) that is located above its appressoria .
  • seaweed (written as 若布 , 和布 , 稚海藻 , or 裙蔕菜 in kanji; scientific name: undaria pinnatifida ) is a marine alga of the class phaeophyceae , order laminariales and family alariaceae .
    ワカメ(若布、和布、稚海藻、裙蔕菜、学名:Undaria pinnatifida)は、褐藻コンブ目チガイソ科の海藻。
  • seaweed (written as 若布 , 和布 , 稚海藻 , or 裙蔕菜 in kanji; scientific name: undaria pinnatifida ) is a marine alga of the class phaeophyceae , order laminariales and family alariaceae .
    ワカメ(若布、和布、稚海藻、裙蔕菜、学名:Undaria pinnatifida)は、褐藻コンブ目チガイソ科の海藻。
  • Seaweed (written as 若布 , 和布 , 稚海藻 , or 裙蔕菜 in kanji; scientific name: undaria pinnatifida ) is a marine alga of the class phaeophyceae , order laminariales and family alariaceae .
    ワカメ(若布、和布、稚海藻、裙蔕菜、学名:Undaria pinnatifida)は、褐藻コンブ目チガイソ科の海藻。
  • The mekari-jinja shrine that faces the kanmon straits in kitakyushu city was said to have been established to pacify isora ' s nigimitama and aramitama at hayato on the way home from the conquer of three korean kingdoms .
  • " takasago (noh )" , " oimatsu " (the old pine tree ), " oyashiro " (grand shrine ), " iwafune " (a rock boat ), " ukon ," " ema " (the votive tablet ), " kamo ," " kureha ," " shiga ," " saiobo (noh )" (the queen mother of the west ), " tamanoi " (jewel well ), " chikubushima " (chikubu-shima island ), " tsurukame " (crane and tortoise ), " naniwa ," " hakurakuten " (bai letian ), " himuro " (the ice house ), " hojogawa " (hojo-gawa river ), " mekari " (harvesting seagrass ), " yoro " (nurturing the aged )
    『高砂 (能)』『老松』『大社』『岩船』『右近』『絵馬』『賀茂(加茂)』『呉羽』『志賀』『西王母 (能)』『玉井』『竹生島』『鶴亀』『難波』『白楽天』『氷室』『放生川』『和布刈』『養老』
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