The presidents of iran , russia , israel and france have all agreed to your terms . 各国の首脳が 和平案に同意を
The presidents of iran , russia , israel and france have all agreed to your terms . 各国の首脳が 和平案に同意を
The vice president is scheduled to preside over a senate vote today on president sawyer's controversial middle east peace plan . "今日 ソイヤー大統領の 中東和平案で―" "副大統領が議長を"
As yoritomo found the peace plan to be an opportunistic attitude of goshirakawa , he made a threatening remark to nakahara no yasusada , ' the cloistered emperor is to blame for the disarray in the country ' ( " gyokuyo ," entry of november 17 ) and was adamant about the total expulsion of yoshinaka . 頼朝はこの和平案を後白河の日和見的態度と見て、中原康定に「天下は君の乱さしめ給ふ(天下の混乱は法皇の責任だ)」と脅しをかけ(『玉葉』10月24日条)、義仲の完全な排除を求めて譲らなかった。
In 1392 , yoshimitsu accelerated negotiations with the southern court with a help of yoshihiro ouchi as an intermediary , as the national influence of the southern court was declining . in the negotiations , he presented several following proposals for reconciliation: the emperor should be selected alternately from the two imperial lineages , jimyoin-to and daikakuji-to; all the state-owned territories (of which there was actually very little ) should belong to the daikakuji-to; the three sacred treasures which were in the possession of emperor go-kameyama should be presented to emperor go-komatsu of the jimyoin-to , so that the southern court would be dissolved . in this way , he achieved integration of the northern and southern courts , and put a stop to the 58 year split between the courts . 1392年(元中9年/明徳3年)には南朝勢力が全国的に衰微したため義満は大内義弘を仲介に南朝方と交渉を進め、持明院統と大覚寺統が交互に即位する事(両統迭立)や諸国の国衙領を全て大覚寺統の所有とする事(実際には国衙領はわずかしかなかった)などの和平案を南朝の後亀山天皇に提示し、後亀山が保持していた三種の神器を持明院統の後小松天皇に接収させて南朝が解消されるかたちでの南北朝合一を実現し58年にわたる朝廷の分裂を終結させる。