Natsume ... natsume ! give me the book of friends ! 櫻花和書都很重要
After world war ii it was decided to replace japanese books , chinese classic books and western books by cultural science , social science , and natural science and to invite the representative authorities of these three fields . 第2次世界大戦後には、これまでの和書・漢籍・洋書を改めて人文科学・社会科学・自然科学の3分野として各界の権威者を招くようになった。
It is said that the oldest koshohajime was the event in which at shogosho (small palace ) of kyoto imperial palace " nihonshoki " (chronicles of japan ) was lectured by misao tamamatsu representing japanese books and " rongo " (analects of confucius ) by tadanaga higashibojo (daigaku no kami ) representing chinese classic books . 明治2年に京都御所小御所において、玉松操らが和書を代表して『日本書紀』を、東坊城任長(大学頭)らが漢籍を代表して『論語』を講義したのが最古とされる。
Under the reign of wakatakeru no okimi , there was a man who worked as a clerk; his name was murite; during august , in the big iron pod , an imperial sword whose length is four shaku (unit of distance approximately equal to 30 .3 cm ) ****; it was tempered eighty times , and swung ninety times; **** the one who has this sword will live long , and his descendants will flourish , being blessed; he will never lose his power; the one who makes a sword is itawa , and the one who engraves inscription is choan . 治天下獲加多支鹵大王世奉事典曹人名无利弖八月中用大鉄釜并四尺廷刀八十練九十振三寸上好刊刀服此刀者長寿子孫洋々得□恩也不失其所統作刀者名伊太和書者張安也