空気調和装置 空気調和装置 air-conditioner[化学]; air-conditioning equipment[化学]; air-conditioning system[機械]〈98F0015:造船用語―船体―内ぎ装〉; air conditioner[機械]; air conditioning equipment[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉; air conditioning pl
Jinbei or jinbee is japanese-style home wear worn by males and children . 甚平(じんべい)あるいは甚兵衛(じんべえ)は、男性あるいは子供の着る和装のホームウエアのひとつ。
Women dressed in kimono wear a sensu in their obi belt as a substitute for a futokoro-gatana (pocket dagger .) 女性が和装の際に、懐剣の代用として帯に扇子を挿す。
On the other hand , all-japan karuta association obliged the players of certain tournaments to wear kimono . しかしその一方で、全日本かるた協会が一部の大会で和装の義務化を行った。
Kichiya musubi was a way of tying an obi for kimono that was in style during the genroku era in edo period . 吉弥結び(きちやむすび)とは江戸時代元禄のころ流行した帯和装の帯の結び方。
Itogen daimyojin (god of textile industry prosperity and traditional japanese clothing; annual festival held on october 10 ) 糸元大明神(織物繁栄・和装の神 例祭10月10日)
While in japanese dress , people keep kaishi inside the front flap of kimono , along with a fukusa and a kobukusa , at a tea ceremony . 和装の場合、茶席内では袱紗・古袱紗とともに懐に入れておく。
In the past , high-quality cork was used for the sole , but as the tradition of wearing kimono fell out , it was replaced with inexpensive urethane . 靴底の素材は良質のコルク製であったが、和装の衰退にともない安価なウレタンにとって代わられた。
At an early date , ju-rasetsunyo put employed tang dynasty chinese costumes , but there are also many works of ju-rasetsunyo using japanese costumes influenced by japanese culture . 初期の十羅刹女は唐装束であるが、国風の影響を受けた和装の羅刹女の作例も多い。
As its history shows , obidome was originally an accessory on casual kimono , therefore , using obidome on formal occasions such as a wedding or funeral ceremony was strictly prohibited 帯留は、そのなりたちからも判るように、元々は、和装のくだけた着こなしとしての装飾である。
It dates back to the heian period when nobles used it for various purposes , and it is occasionally used as a kimono accessory or as paper napkins during a japanese style meal . 古くは平安時代より貴族階級において様々な用途で使われており、現代でも和装の際や和食などの席で使用することが多い。