However , motohide was a controversial figure because he frequently acted according to his dogmatic judgment; for example , he threw the family into an uproar by ordering his own younger brother ukon miyake (the second son of tokuro miyake , the ninth ) to leave the school , and he not only made his oldest daughter junko and his second daughter shoko kyogen performers after overwhelming the opposition from people close to him , but also let shoko assume the title of tokuro miyake , the 10th . しかし、実弟の三宅右近(9世三宅藤九郎の次男)に対して破門騒ぎを起こしたり、周囲の反対を押し切って長女・淳子と次女・祥子を狂言師とした上、祥子に10世・三宅藤九郎を継がせたりと、独断専横が目立ち、とかく問題の多い人物であった。