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発音記号:[ shànxìng ]  読み方:


  • 善性
    innate goodness of man


  • The letters written by shinran around this time were later compiled into the books of " mattosho " (compiled by jukaku ) and " shinran sho ' nin goshosokushu " (compiled by zensho ).
  • Some belongings left by shinran and a part of his skull were carried to the kanto region by disciples such as zensho , and placed into the " inada no soan " in which shinran lived while preaching in the kanto region .
  • Sei ' is the pure innate goodness given by heaven , while ' jo ' is the activity of one ' s mind represented as feelings , and the extreme form of ' jo ' is called ' jinyoku ' , or human desires .
  • The above is mainly quoted from " kyogyoshinsho ," " jodofumi ruishusho ," " gutoku-sho ," " passages (concerning ) birth in the pure land in the three pure land sutras " (jodo sankyo ojo monrui ), " " ichinentamen-moni ," " nyorai nishu eko-mon ," " shinran shonin onshosoku (zensho book: book of good nature )" by shinran , and " shoshinge taii (shoshinge summary ), " by rennyo .
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