- 1. ideas of good and evil
2. sense of right and wrong
- 善悪 善悪 ぜんあく good and evil
- 観念 観念 かんねん idea notion conception sense (e.g. of duty) resignation preparedness
- 念 念 ねん sense idea thought feeling desire concern attention care
- 善悪の観念を目覚めさせる quicken one's conscience
- 善悪の区別 demarcation of good and evil
- 善悪の彼岸 【著作】 Beyond Good and Evil〔独1886《著》フリードリッヒ?ニーチェ(Friedrich Nietzsche)〕
- 善悪の認識 knowledge of good and evil
- 家の観念 family ideology
- 数の観念 sense of number
- 礼儀の観念 sense of decorum
- 義務の観念 sense of duty
- 善悪の判断力 1. ability to tell right from wrong 2. conscience
- 公平性の観念 concept of fairness
- 善悪の判断がつく have a clear notion of right and wrong
- 善悪の判断をする judge between right and wrong