喜望峰を回る長い海路でインドへ旅をする travel to India by the long sea route around the Cape of Good Hope
He gained almsgiving from them , made the temple goganji (a temple for imperial family ) by adjusting large and small buildings . そこから喜捨を集め、堂舎を整備して御願寺となった。
Shunjo created this prospectus in order to solicit the donations required to restore the dilapidated original temple and rename it sennyu-ji temple . 俊じょうが、荒廃した前身寺院を「泉涌寺」と改名して再興するため、人々の喜捨(寄付)を募るための趣意書。
Furthermore , during the period of the northern and southern dynasties (china ) there were many cases where aristocrats donated their houses , which then became temples . さらに、南北時代には貴族が住宅を喜捨して、そのまま寺院となったものが多く現れた。
A komuso was considered to be an itinerant priest who ' traveled around the provinces while collecting alms by playing the shakuhachi (bamboo flute ) and , did not have a shaved head .' 虚無僧の様相については、「尺八を吹き喜捨を請いながら諸国を行脚修行した有髪の僧」とされている。
Therefore , ryoo began a journey tp collect funds , starting from the kinai region (provinces surrounding kyoto and nara ), then reached into the kanto region through the ou region and received almsgivings from many people . そのための募金の旅に出、畿内を発して奥羽地方から関東に及び、多くの人々から喜捨をうけた。
Satayu led the entire family to kazeichi village , and they saw a golden senju kannon ryuzo standing with the hatchet that sadayu offered , in its hands posing as semui-in (mudra for bestowing fearlessness ) in a thatched hut . そこで、佐太夫が一族あげて風市村へ赴くと、草庵の中に金色の千手観音像が立っており、その施無畏印を結んだ手に、佐太夫が喜捨した刀がかかっていた。
Nisshin , who made various temples convert to the nichiren sect , advocated almsgiving of other sects when he had the opportunity to preach to the sixth shogun , yoshinori ashikaga , and as a result , he was forbidden to propose to the government . 日親は諸寺院を日蓮宗に改宗させ、6代将軍足利義教への説法の機会を得た際に他宗の喜捨を説いて建言を禁止される。
Takuhatsu in present days practices in two manners; that of visiting homes of supporters of the sect in groups , and that of begging for almsgiving by standing without moving in front of gates of temples and on the crossings of busy streets by individuals . 現在の托鉢には、集団で自派の檀家の家々(近隣に限らない)を訪問する形態と、個人で寺院の門前や往来の激しい交差点に直立して移動せずに喜捨を乞う形態がある。
Therefore , the idea of boasting about my buddhist virtue , as shown by my monk ' s robe , or burning with the desire to receive alms from the people , these are foreign to my heart ," he said , and in that way he was said to have entered into baisao ' s daily life . そも、袈裟の仏徳を誇って、世人の喜捨を煩わせるのは、私の持する志とは異なっているのだ」と述べ、売茶の生活に入ったという。
In particular , hongan-ji school is thought to bear a resemblance to the iemoto system , in that hoshu with hereditary religious authority collects almsgiving by monto and has the exclusive right to issue a kind of certificate called a ' goshogomen ' (permission for happiness in the next life ). 特に本願寺教団では法主が世襲して宗教的権威を誇り、門徒の喜捨を集め、「後生御免」という一種の免状発行権を独占したという点で家元制度に近いものとだと考えられる。