Flattened and homogenized the landscape 平らに均一化されています。
You might say , well , maybe things just smoothed themselves out . 「物は自然に均一化するのでは」と言うかもしれません
Wholesale merchants increased in number during this period and their profits equalized , resulting areas in which a great quantity of smuggled goods entered the black market . この時期に問屋業者が増え、店自体の売上が均一化し、多くのぬけ荷品が闇市場に並ぶといった所があげられる。
They argue that this has caused the uniformization or the homogenization of domestic culinary life and culture , and decreased the opportunity for japanese to cook by themselves at home (e .g . fish dishes ). これらにより、日本国内の食生活・食文化が均一化・均質化し、家庭内での調理機会も減少(例えば、魚を使った料理)した、と指摘されている。
While most of the tournament rules are already determined , all nippon kyudo federation says that " the tools for kyudo are not standardized completely , and there is a need for individual adjustments and familialization with tools required to increase the ability of bow ." 競技性を考慮した規定をある程度定めてはいるが、同時に『弓道の用具はまだ完全に均一化されていないため…また、用具の充分な性能発揮のためにも各個の工夫、愛着も必要である。』
Nerigashi (a confection made from kneaded beans , rice , or rice powder ) is also referred to as ' konashi ,' which is a snack food produced by mixing an ingredient in the form of powder or grain and an ingredient in the form of liquid or paste , applying external forces for many times to homogenize the distribution , and finishing it in a clayey state of plastic deformation . 練り菓子(ねりがし)は、別名「こなし」ともいい、粉状もしくは粒状の原料と液状もしくは粘土状の原料を配合してから、外力を繰り返し加えて分布を均一化し、粘土状の塑性変型する状態に仕上げた間食用の食品類。