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  • flat system
  • 均一     均一 きんいつ uniformity equality
  •      制 せい system organization imperial command laws regulation control government
  • 不均一制動    不均一制動 uneven braking[自動車]〈94D0106:自動車―ブレーキ用語(種類, 力学及び現象)〉
  • 均一    均一 きんいつ uniformity equality
  • 統一制度    uniform system
  • 不均一    unevenness
  • 均一な     【形】 1. even 2. regular
  • 均一に     【副】 1. equally 2. evenly 3. uniformly
  • 均一の     【形】 1. flat 2. homolytic 3. seamless 4. uniform
  • 均一化    均一化 きんいつか homogenization
  • 均一幅    均一幅 homogeneous[line]width[基礎]; homogeneous broadening[基礎]; homogeneous width[基礎]
  • 均一性    uniformity
  • 均一相    homogeneous phase
  • 均一系    homogeneous system
  • ~均一で    at the uniform rate of


  • A flat-fare system is used , with adults costing 600 yen and children costing 300 yen (as of april , 2008 ).
  • As much of the commuters of those days demanded a standardized fare and all companies suffered from the new transportation tax due to the russo-japanese war , they decided to merge and fix the fare to four sen .
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