Therefore , they were hesitant to capture tanabe-jo castle . そのため、田辺城を攻め落とすことに躊躇していたのである。
The allied forces of the rokkaku and the kyogoku clan attacked kannonji-jo castle on november 8 of that year . 同年11月8日、六角・京極連合軍は観音寺城を攻め落とすべく攻撃を開始。
In december 1184 , moritsuna was in kojima of bizen province to search and kill the taira clan , and on december 7 , 1184 , he captured a castle which was held by more than 500 horse soldiers led by taira no yukimori . 元暦元年(1184年)12月、盛綱は平氏追討の為備前国児島に在り、7日には平行盛が率いる五百余騎が篭もる城を攻め落とす。
Even so , shingen waited for yoshikage to send the troops again and held his own troops back , however , the following march he gave up on yoshikage who had yet to reply and captured noda-jo castle in ieyasu ' s territory . それでも信玄は義景の再出兵を待ち軍勢を止めていたが、翌年2月には何の反応も示さない義景に痺れを切らして家康領の野田城を攻め落とす。
Later , tamenobu captured the namioka-jo castle of akimura kitabatake called ' imperial palace of namioka ' , succeeded in taking control of the tsugaru region and parts of sotogahama and mekanobu by around 1588 , and in 1590 he took part in the conquest and siege of odawara headed by hideyoshi toyotomi and had his territory approved by hideyoshi . その後、浪岡御所北畠顕村の浪岡城を攻め落とすなど、為信は天正16年(1588年)頃には津軽地方と外ヶ浜と糠部の一部を集中に収める事に成功し、天正18年(1590年)には豊臣秀吉の小田原征伐に参陣して、秀吉より所領を安堵された。
In december , 1180 , when there was an insurrection of the minamoto clan in omi province soon after the emperor came back to kyoto , ietsugu , by the order of kiyomori , led the soldiers from iga and ise to suppress it , and defeated takanori nose , who raised his army against the taira family , and captured the castle of yoshikane kashiwagi , koga nyudo . 治承4年(1180年)12月、平家一門による京都還幸後間もなく近江国で源氏勢力による叛乱が起きると、清盛の命を受けた家継は、伊賀、伊勢の武士を率いて直ちにこれの討伐に向かい、反平家の挙兵を企てた能瀬高頼を討ち取ったほか甲賀入道柏木義兼の城を攻め落とすなどした。