His body was buried at the top of hanyu-no-yama mountain in kawachi province . 河内国埴生山(はにゅうのやま)岡上に葬られた。
Hanyu gun , kazusano kori (part of mobara city , chosei gun , chiba prefecture .) 上総国埴生郡(千葉県長生郡・茂原市の一部)。
The emperor ninken ' s body was buried in hanyu no sakamoto no misasagi (mausoleum ). 埴生坂本陵(はにゅうのさかもとのみささぎ)に葬られた。
The direct route refers to , in later years , a famous route to cross mt . ikoma (tadagoe no michi route ), but in the case of oe no izahowake no mikoto , as he was trying to go over the mountain via the hanyu-zaka pass (habikino hills ), the route is thought to be somewhere around the present-day anamushi-toge pass . 直越えとは、後世、生駒山を越える道(直越道)が有名であったが、埴生坂(羽曳野丘陵)から越えようとしているので、現在の穴虫峠付近と考えられる。
On july 28 , four members of council of state , hidetane chiba , mototsuna goto , tamesuke fujiwara , yasumochi miyoshi was removed from the position , and on august 3 , hidetane was deprived of his territories in hanyunishi , inzai , hiratsuka located in shimousa province (these subsequently became sanetoki kanezawa ' s territories ) and forced to move to kazusa province after being thrown out of shimousa province . と、6月7日には千葉秀胤・後藤基綱・藤原為佐・三善康持の4名の評定衆が更迭、更に6月13日 (旧暦)秀胤は下総国埴生西・印西・平塚の所領を奪われ(金沢実時所領となる)、上総国に放逐された。