- hand down a suspended term
- 執行 執行 しっこう enforcement performance
- 猶予 猶予 ゆうよ postponement deferment
- 渡す 渡す わたす to pass over to hand over
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 執行猶予 執行猶予 しっこうゆうよ stay of execution suspended sentence
- 言い渡す 言い渡す いいわたす to announce to tell to sentence to order
- 刑事裁判で執行猶予刑を言い渡される receive suspended prison terms in criminal trials
- 執行猶予付きの懲役_カ月の刑を言い渡す sentence someone to a suspended __-month prison term〔人に〕
- 執行猶予付きの懲役1週間で(人)に事実上の無罪を言い渡す effectively acquit someone with a suspended sentence of one week in jail
- 終身刑を言い渡す give someone life〔人に〕
- 執行猶予付きの懲役_年の判決を言い渡される be handed a suspended __-year prison term
- 泥棒に軽い刑を言い渡す give a thief a light sentence
- 懲役_年以上_年以下の刑を言い渡す give someone a sentence of between __ and __ years in prison
- 求刑どおり死刑を言い渡す 1 hand down the capital punishment demanded by the prosecution 求刑どおり死刑を言い渡す 2 hand down the death penalty demanded by the prosecution for〔人に〕
- 執行猶予を申し渡す bind over