They could be tracked to the ends of the world by takitsubo 対処は遊撃隊に任せて 自陣を超堅守すること
But the toyotomi army with 10 ,000 soldiers led by keijun miyabe , persistently protected the site utilizing karabori (dry moat ) and a board fence . が、豊臣軍は宮部継潤らを中心にした1万の軍勢が空堀や板塀などを用いて堅守。
Because the team made a demonstration of the ability to score goals which had been far and away the most in j2 and the stubborn defense which had conceded the fewest goals in j2 , it was expected that the team would stir itself up in j1 after an interval of three years . J2ダントツの得点力、J2最小失点の堅守を見せ付けただけに、3年ぶりのJ1では奮起が期待された。