The detached 3rd brigade chased the satsuma army that had retreated to kosa , and seized katashida . また別働第3旅団は甲佐に退却した薩軍を追撃して堅志田を占領した。
After that , he still had a struggle against korenaga and his son koresaki aso , and in 1543 he captured katashida-jo castle and put koresaki to rout and practically put an end to a division among the aso clan over thirty years . その後も惟長とその子阿蘇惟前と抗争を繰り広げ、 1543年に堅志田城を落として惟前を敗走させ、30年に及んだ阿蘇氏の分裂に事実上の終止符を打った。
In 1523 , koretoyo lost control of katashida-jo castle to korenaga and his son , and they even took over control of kosa town , tomochi town , and nakayama; however , koretoyo regained control over the castle in 1543 , finally ending the internal conflicts that had continued for 30 years . 1523年には惟長父子に堅志田城を奪われ甲佐町・砥用町・中山も支配下におかれるが1543年に堅志田城を奪還し、30年に及ぶ内部分裂に事実上終止符を打つ。
In 1523 , koretoyo lost control of katashida-jo castle to korenaga and his son , and they even took over control of kosa town , tomochi town , and nakayama; however , koretoyo regained control over the castle in 1543 , finally ending the internal conflicts that had continued for 30 years . 1523年には惟長父子に堅志田城を奪われ甲佐町・砥用町・中山も支配下におかれるが1543年に堅志田城を奪還し、30年に及ぶ内部分裂に事実上終止符を打つ。
The japanese ghost story ' a woman who buys candy ' is quite similar to the ghost story ' a woman who buys rice cakes ' collected in " yijian zhi " compiled by hong mai of the southern song , therefore it might have been adapted from the chinese ghost story . 日本の「飴を買う女」の怪談は、南宋の洪邁が編纂した『夷堅志』に載せる怪談「餅を買う女」と内容がそっくりであり、もともとは中国の怪談の翻案であったと考えられる。