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  • 堅志
    iron purpose
  • 堅忍持久    1. dogged perseverance 2. indomitable perseverance 3. untiring patience
  • 堅忍不抜な     堅忍不抜な adj. stable 断固とした; indomitable 《正式》不屈の. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 堅忍)
  • 堅持    堅持 けんじ holding on to sticking to
  • 堅忍不抜    堅忍不抜 けんにんふばつ indomitable perseverance invincible fortitude
  • 堅持する     堅持する v. stick to O 【D】 (主義?決定など)を堅持する, 固守する. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 堅持)
  • 堅忍    堅忍 けんにん perseverance
  • 堅持する 1    1. firmly maintain 2. maintain firmly 3. stand firm [fast] 堅持する 2 【他動】 maintain〔一日一日コツコツと努力を積み重ね、一定のバランスを取りながら保存することで、注意深く使用したり、補給したりすることを暗示させる語。必ずしも価値の高い物だけでなく、よい状態に保っておいた方が良いと思われる物を保存することを表す〕 堅
  • 堅実金融主義    financial prudence
  • 堅持を再確認する    reaffirm one's adherence to〔~の〕


  • The detached 3rd brigade chased the satsuma army that had retreated to kosa , and seized katashida .
  • After that , he still had a struggle against korenaga and his son koresaki aso , and in 1543 he captured katashida-jo castle and put koresaki to rout and practically put an end to a division among the aso clan over thirty years .
    その後も惟長とその子阿蘇惟前と抗争を繰り広げ、 1543年に堅志田城を落として惟前を敗走させ、30年に及んだ阿蘇氏の分裂に事実上の終止符を打った。
  • In 1523 , koretoyo lost control of katashida-jo castle to korenaga and his son , and they even took over control of kosa town , tomochi town , and nakayama; however , koretoyo regained control over the castle in 1543 , finally ending the internal conflicts that had continued for 30 years .
  • In 1523 , koretoyo lost control of katashida-jo castle to korenaga and his son , and they even took over control of kosa town , tomochi town , and nakayama; however , koretoyo regained control over the castle in 1543 , finally ending the internal conflicts that had continued for 30 years .
  • The japanese ghost story ' a woman who buys candy ' is quite similar to the ghost story ' a woman who buys rice cakes ' collected in " yijian zhi " compiled by hong mai of the southern song , therefore it might have been adapted from the chinese ghost story .
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