Some say they don't exist . i don't know . i decided 憲法遵守という宣誓を堅持するために
The bakufu continued this policy until it fell . 以後滅亡まで幕府はこの方針を堅持した。
Imperfection no one can not impossible straight ahead 不管是誰都不可能一直堅持夢想
Robots are the friends of humans ! 覺得自己過於堅持「機器人是人類的朋友」這個理念
Less the 400 he will keep here to hold the crossing against any who would pursue you . 400を引いた残りは 此処を堅持し 誰も後を追わせません
The yi dynasty korea maintained a tributary system with the qing dynasty china as its center , and was closed off to the outside world at that time . 当時、李氏朝鮮は清朝中国を中心とした冊封体制を堅持し、鎖国状態にあった。
Exclaustration means that a buddhist monk quits the priesthood , which requires strict adherence to buddhist precepts , and returns to secular life . 還俗(げんぞく)とは、僧侶になった者が、戒律を堅持する僧侶であることを捨て、在俗者・俗人に戻る事をいう。
He was not a christian , however , he consistently took a position to support the policy to protect christians since the time when he was the lord of kiyosu-jo castle . 自らはキリシタンではなかったが、清洲城主当時から一貫してキリシタン保護政策を堅持していた。
However , he repulsed the enemy forces by traveling to shikoku and steadfastly maintaining the provincial control centering on awa , and soon returned to the national political arena . しかし、四国に渡り阿波を中心とする分国支配を堅持することにより敵対勢力を退け、やがて中央政界に復帰した。
As saicho advocated the doctrine of hokke ichijo which asserted all people were able to become buddha , disputes arose between nara buddhism (nanto rokushu ) which stuck to the position of theravada buddhism . 最澄はすべての衆生は成仏できるという法華一乗の立場を説き、小乗的立場を堅持する奈良仏教と論争が起こる。